Frerea indica – One of the Endangered Flower in the World

Frerea indica

  • About it…

Common Name: Indian Frefrea

Scientific Names: Frerea indica

Location: Maharashtra state in India

Habitat: Rock crevices on hill cliffs

Type: Star-shaped flower

Size: The branches up to 50 cm, corolla is 2-3 cm

Colors: Red of petals with some yellow cross

Time of growing leaves: The monsoons in India

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  • Why the plant is endangered?

Frerea indica is endangered because the grazing and some natural disasters. The overuse of grazing for cows, chickens, pig etc. The disasters can be landslides, fire, and insect infestation. The another reasons are the lack of specific pollinators, and they set little seeds. So, they aren’t easy to reproduce themselves. The other reason is the local inhabitants like to eat the succulent stems. They had been eaten by people. 

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  • Why is it important to save this plant? Does it have any uses?

Frerea indica is a distinctive greenhouse plant in temperate climates. It is a succulent-plant that people can eat it. It also already developed many hybrids with another species.

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  • How it can be saved?

In India, the scientists tried to save Frerea indica. They make the required habitat conditions for it. They use the stem cutting propagation to reproduce because they can’t find the seeds. To the inhabitants, they can’t overuse the land which grew it. For instance, grazing the animals, framing the crops. 

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  • The Quote

There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.  ~Mohandas K. Gandhi

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  • Link to get more information

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7 Responses to Frerea indica – One of the Endangered Flower in the World

  1. Stephanie Chua says:

    Nice pictures! You can put more informations although this is good enough 😀

  2. judy0309 says:

    There are many links for us to get more inforamtion about your plant. The plan of saving it is a good plan, hope this plan will work for the rest of your plant.

  3. Good job, but I think if you can give more information about the plant,
    then i will be better.

  4. Kelly Chen says:

    You have lots of Information. However, these is one mistake that Time of growing leaves, you typed India, you should give time instead of place.

  5. Judy Lin says:

    Good job! Improving in your information, but well done in good pictures.

  6. Mr Harper says:

    Some good info, but needs more. Take the information and make it yours, not just repeat back to us what you read. If you do that the writing will have more of an effect on us and make us want to do more. Good pictures though.

  7. Waiby says:

    I the information is very interesting, I didn’t know people eat this flower! And I like your pictures.:)

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